Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

In a society in which digitization is part of everyday life and where our digital footprint is increasingly larger, Artificial Intelligence comes to make use of the large amount of data we generate. Among the fields in which this technology can contribute, we are going to see what it consists of and what applications there are of artificial intelligence in marketing.

Marketing and Artificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence in marketing is done to automate decisions based on collected data, analyze data and observe and use trends that may arise both in the audience and in the economy in general and that can help to have a better impact on users.

Artificial intelligence in marketing uses user profiles to learn to communicate better with them and direct personalized messages to each user without the direct intervention of a human team. The use of a large amount of data also helps to predict the user’s demands and offer them what they need even before they search for it (an example that we see every day is when we start a search on Google and we get search suggestions with the text that we we are introducing). Publishing the ad in the best location for each client or client profile is another application that helps maximize the value of campaigns by increasing ROI.

Artificial intelligence is also increasingly useful in content writing. Technology is capable of processing natural language and learning from its structure to write quality content that is increasingly similar to what a person can do. In addition, the speed in data processing allows us to offer personalized content to the user.

In addition, we obtain applications such as customer segmentation, sales prediction and response to first questions through chatbots (application that simulates and processes conversations in natural language) that allow 24/7 first customer service.

These are just some points in which artificial intelligence can support and boost digital marketing, but as it is a technology with a lot of potential yet to be developed and which has more and more data, the possibilities in the future are multiple.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Of course there are already companies applying artificial intelligence in their marketing actions, so we can observe some of its applications:

  • Netflix. It is known that this company uses a content recommendation algorithm based on artificial intelligence. Based on the history of series and movies consumed by the user and, taking into account data such as time and day, Netflix uses the metadata of movies and series as well as their arguments for a personalized recommendation. They also use artificial intelligence to determine which regions each piece of content would perform best in to specifically target their marketing campaigns.
  • Starbucks. This company uses your loyalty card to record the customer’s orders, where they were placed and even the time and day. With this data, it launches personalized marketing messages through its application when the customer approaches a store, as well as special offers.
  • Amazon. This giant uses Amazon Personalize, a product recommendation technology used by companies such as Domino’s, Yamaha or Subway.
  • Uber. This company uses artificial intelligence to generate dynamic prices according to the demand that may exist in each area, as well as to try to detect the customer’s status through the way they use the application. In this way, if artificial intelligence detects that a customer is drunk, it will try to send an experienced driver to perform the service.

Also Read: Competitor Research Strategies to Help Your Business Grow

The future of artificial intelligence in marketing

The future of this technology in the field of marketing has as much potential as in many other fields. In fact, it is estimated that by 2025, 95% of consumption will be made using artificial intelligence. The possibilities are just beginning to be explored, and although there is fantastic literature telling us that machines will replace humans, and can certainly do better in specific tests, there is still a long way to go for machines to take over.

As regulatory policies advance and, taking into account that artificial intelligence is fed by the data we generate, one of the key points to take into account will be to make responsible, ethical and legal use of user data. Factors to take into account will be:

  • Respect privacy, especially regarding sensitive data such as financial and medical data.
  • Making responsible use of data , developing mechanisms that control and regulate ethical use of data.
  • Control its accuracy, ensuring that the data used is correct, true and up-to-date
  • Be fair in the information offered , since this information causes the user to generate opinions based on it.
  • Be transparent in the processing of data, this last point being perhaps the one that has been most worked on in recent times.

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