The Best Linux VPN | The Definitive Guide

The Best Linux VPN | The Definitive Guide

“Linux VPN” is one of the most requested searches by free software lovers . Now, while it is true that this system is more reliable than Windows, installing a Linux VPN is still important to keep your privacy safe. And nothing is like having privacy and security on the web.

What is the best Linux VPN?

linux vpn logo

It is important to know that any VPN can be configured in Linux, but there are actually some that are more comfortable to install than others . For example, it is much more complicated to work with those that you cannot access with OpenVPN.

There are many free Linux VPNs. However, it must be taken into account that free Linux or Windows VPNs do not have the most secure results . For its part, by purchasing a paid Linux VPN , as in the case of ExpressVPN , you are ensuring the best care of your information.

Tutorial to manually install an Ubuntu VPN

The reality is that installing an Ubuntu VPN is very simple , and as the versions advance, even more so. In version 19.10, for example, you can go directly to the Ubuntu page to get step-by-step instructions. These instructions work for all those Linux – Ubuntu VPNs that have a NetworkManager.

If you choose a free VPN for Linux, there is a greater chance that it does not have this element, so you will have to download some extra software and follow different instructions. This is why when choosing an Ubuntu – Linux VPN or Windows it is best to get the best version of ExpressVPN .

Continuing with the general instructions to install Ubuntu VPN, in version 19.10, the steps to follow are extremely basic and simple . If you are used to being a Linux client, you will notice that it is almost intuitive.

So, to configure Ubuntu VPN you must:

  • Open Activities and type Network.
  • Select Network to display the options.
  • Select the + button at the bottom and left of the list to add a new connection.
  • Choose VPN from the list of interfaces.
  • Select your Linux VPN connection.
  • Configure the VPN connection details, and when finished, press Add.
  • Once you have finished configuring your VPN you must open the Systems Menu and in VPN Off select Connect. Remember that there are Ubuntu VPNs for which you need a password, this would be the time to set it.
  • If the steps are followed to the letter and the Ubuntu VPN has been configured correctly, everything should work. If not, go back to the Network panel and check the data of your Ubuntu – Linux VPN by entering the settings.
  • If you want to disconnect from the VPN you just need to enter the Systems Menu and choose Shut Down under the name of your Ubuntu VPN connection.

As you can see, activating VPN Linux – Ubuntu is very quick and easy , even for those who have not been consistent Linux users.

Also Read: Top 5 Chromecast VPNs | Total Guide

Install Express VPN on Linux

When looking for the most used and secure Linux VPNs, we found ExpressVPN . To install it —whether on Media, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Debian—, you must follow the steps that we already described, in case you choose to do a manual configuration. These instructions work the same whether through OpenVPN configuration (per terminal), OpenVPN through Ubuntu Network Manager or PPTP.

Of course, the first step to install ExpressVPN is to register on its page. Once you have done so, you will receive a welcome email with a link. This is to be able to download the ExpressVPN installer .

expressvpn login

Now, if you don’t want to download from the link, or it doesn’t work for you, you can go directly to the application page and log in . Here you can choose the “Download for Linux” option, this will take you to the download page.

Linux vpn activation code

Choose your Linux VPN version, then the distribution on your machine and finish downloading. You must copy the activation code that will be given to you in the process, with it you will reactivate the VPN. If you have problems with this method, the ExpressVPN page provides assistance with other step-by-step installation methods.

Linux VPN available devices

Another reason to more seriously consider downloading ExpressVPN over any free VPN is its customer support. As you can see, the ExpressVPN page is prepared so that you can choose any way of installation, as well as any failures during the process.

Install IPVanish VPN on Linux

As with ExpressVPN , in order to get the IPVanish installer , you need to register on the official website. The instructions for setting up this VPN Ubuntu 19.10 are quite simple and can be told in 15 very simple steps. We explain them here, but you can always check the official IPVanish website for any additional information or help you may need.

Also Read: Top 5 Firestick VPN | The Definitive Guide

The steps to install IPVanish Ubuntu VPN are:

  • From an administrator account select the show applications menu.
ipvanish list of available servers
  • Type “Terminal” in the search bar and click on the “Terminal” application.
  • When the corresponding window opens, enter the command:

CD Downloads /

And press the “enter” key

  • In the same window enter the command:


This will begin the download of the IPVanish Open VPN configurations zip file.

  • Once the download is finished, unzip the files.
  • Again from the Show Applications menu we now look for Settings.
Ubuntu vpn configuration
  • In the Settings Menu choose Network and select Add (+).
Ubuntu VPN Configuration Menu
  • Once the Add VPN window appears, select “Import from File”.
import VPN Ubuntu
  • From the files that you have already unzipped, you can choose the file you prefer for your configuration, now click on “Open”.
import file Ubuntu vpn window
  • It’s time to name your VPN and set a password.
Ubuntu VPN parameters
  • Disable IPv6 and activate your IPVanish VPN.
activate ipvanish
  • Once your Ubuntu VPN is configured, you can activate or deactivate it from the desktop as easily as any other.
VPN login notification window

IPVanish has excellent user service on its website, so any questions or errors that arise during the installation process will be answered immediately. It may seem incredible, but the differences between a free Ubuntu VPN or a Linux VPN with a subscription are abysmal.

Also Read: What is VPN? What does VPN mean? VPN for beginners


In conclusion, although one of the most searched options on the internet is “Free VPN for Linux”, it is not necessarily the best choice. Let’s remember that the main reason for seeking to install a VPN on Linux or Windows is always the same: security. A VPN server, also known as a Virtual Private Network, is a way to keep strangers looking to enter our network at bay.

When we work with sensitive information, and it is important to keep it safe, setting up a VPN with a secure password is the best way . Even using an open source system like Linux – Ubuntu, which is considered more reliable than Windows.

Free VPNs are free for a reason. Most of the time they usually work by selling the information they receive from their users . Yes, the same one that you are trying so hard to take care of. While it is true that there are a large number of free programs and applications that can work, most of them do not usually focus on the issue of security.

Users of this type of operating systems are usually people who care about the care of their personal information. Using a free VPN is like using a toothpick to lock the door of a bank. ExpressVPN is the most recommended option when searching for “Linux VPN server” or “Ubuntu VPN server” on the internet. However, there are other options available that you can also rely on.

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